Monday 20 June 2011

Zenn Solar assisting you procure your solar thermal systems

Over the last decade, the appeal of sustainable energy has grown exponentially. As the growing solar market emerged – companies flooded the PV scene in search of the one goal: to offer quality products that will lower utility costs. Every company hopes to offer their clients the guarantee of a shorter payback period. However, the reality is that costs per watt have continued drop and production costs for PV panels have remained stagnant.
When it comes to going solar, there is no right or wrong choice – but now more than ever, is the time for people to start looking into solar systems that cost less and provide a shorter payback. Solar thermal is, in almost all cases, the lesser expensive form of solar and will help a  Solar hot water systems are the first step to harnessing this energy. Solar energy is collected through daylight hours and transferred as heat to a hot water cylinder. This process requires no additional power. During the day, the solar collectors are always on.
Due to being passive, solar hot water systems are low maintenance, with yearly checks being more than sufficient. Most suppliers will offer a regular annual service to ensure there are no faults.
People often look at heating systems primarily to be used for home heating during winter months, and base their plans around this. However, across most of England, home heating is only required for 4 to 5 months of the year, whereas hot water is required daily.
The differences in efficiency for standard heating systems are mainly due to improved thermostat controls and insulating methods. Simply put, regardless of the system, it still costs energy and money to heat things up. Solar hot water systems get their energy for free, making them automatically better value for money.
With a little more thought to the heating requirements of a home, solar hot water heating systems become much more attractive.

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